/* ESP8266 WiFi Shield for xatLabs IBIS converter (C) 2017-2018 Julian Metzler */ /* IMPORTANT For the HTTPS OTA update to work, the verify() method of TLSTraits in ESP8266HTTPClient.cpp needs to be modified to always return true. */ /* UPLOAD SETTINGS Board: Generic ESP8266 Module Flash Mode: DIO Flash Size: 4M SPIFFS Size: 1M Debug port: Disabled Debug Level: None Reset Method: ck Flash Freq: 40 MHz CPU Freq: 80 MHz Upload Speed: 115200 */ #define ARDUINO_OTA_ENABLEDXXX #define INIT_EEPROMXXX #define SERIAL_DEBUGXXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ARDUINO_OTA_ENABLED #include #endif #include "ibis.h" /* TYPEDEFS */ enum UpdateStatus { US_NO_UPDATE, US_AVAILABLE, US_FAILED }; /* CONSTANTS */ #define HW_GROUP 2 // Changes with hardware changes that require software changes #if HW_GROUP == 1 #define PIN_STATUS 10 #define PIN_ACTIVITY 9 // Unusable #define PIN_CONFIG 0 #endif #if HW_GROUP == 2 #define PIN_STATUS 5 #define PIN_ACTIVITY 4 #define PIN_CONFIG 0 #endif #define WIFI_TIMEOUT 10000 #define UPDATE_START_DELAY 3000 /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ unsigned long FW_VERSION = 1812180001; // Changes with each release; must always increase unsigned long SP_VERSION = 0; // Loaded from SPIFFS; changed with each SPIFFS build; must always increase (uses timestamp as version) // FW & SPIFFS update settings const char* UPDATE_HOST = "static.mezgrman.de"; const int UPDATE_PORT_HTTPS = 443; const int UPDATE_PORT_HTTP = 80; String UPDATE_PATH_BASE_HTTPS = "/firmware/wifi_shield/"; String UPDATE_URL_BASE_HTTPS = "https://static.mezgrman.de/firmware/wifi_shield/"; String UPDATE_URL_BASE_HTTP = "http://static.mezgrman.de/firmware/wifi_shield/"; String UPDATE_FINGERPRINT_HTTPS = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"; // Not important, will be ignored anyway // Update flags bool updateFWSecure_flag = false; bool updateSPSecure_flag = false; bool updateFWInsecure_flag = false; bool updateSPInsecure_flag = false; unsigned long updateFlagSetTimestamp = 0; // Start time of the last WiFi connection attempt unsigned long wifiTimer = 0; bool wifiTimedOut = false; // Variables for Station WiFi String STA_SSID; String STA_PASS; bool STA_SETUP = false; // Variables for Access Point WiFi String AP_SSID = "xatLabs WiFi Module"; String AP_PASS = "xatlabs_wifi"; bool AP_ACTIVE = false; // Variables for keeping track of the config button volatile bool btnState = 0; // Current button state bool oldBtnState = 0; // Previous button state volatile bool btnPressed = 0; // Flag to check if the last button press has already been processed volatile unsigned long btnTimer = 0; // Start time of last button press (only while pressed) volatile unsigned long btnDur = 0; // Duration of the last button press (only while released) ESP8266WebServer server(80); WiFiServer IBISServer(5001); WiFiClient client; /* CONFIG FILE HANDLING */ void reset_EEPROM() { for (byte i = 0; i < 96; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0x00); } EEPROM.commit(); } bool loadConfig() { File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "r"); if (!configFile) { return false; } size_t size = configFile.size(); if (size > 1024) { return false; } // Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file. std::unique_ptr buf(new char[size]); // We don't use String here because ArduinoJson library requires the input // buffer to be mutable. If you don't use ArduinoJson, you may as well // use configFile.readString instead. configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get()); if (!json.success()) { return false; } SP_VERSION = json["SPVersion"]; char curChar; bool ssidSetup = false; bool passSetup = false; STA_SSID = ""; for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { curChar = EEPROM.read(i); if (curChar == 0x00) { break; } STA_SSID += curChar; ssidSetup = true; } STA_PASS = ""; for (byte i = 0; i < 64; i++) { curChar = EEPROM.read(i + 32); if (curChar == 0x00) { break; } STA_PASS += curChar; passSetup = true; } STA_SETUP = (ssidSetup && passSetup); return true; } bool saveConfig() { StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); json["SPVersion"] = SP_VERSION; File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { return false; } json.printTo(configFile); reset_EEPROM(); for (byte i = 0; i < STA_SSID.length(); i++) { EEPROM.write(i, STA_SSID.charAt(i)); } for (byte i = 0; i < STA_PASS.length(); i++) { EEPROM.write(i + 32, STA_PASS.charAt(i)); } EEPROM.commit(); return true; } /* HELPER FUNCTIONS */ void setLEDStatus(bool state) { digitalWrite(PIN_STATUS, state); } void blinkLEDStatusSingle(unsigned int duration) { setLEDStatus(1); delay(duration); setLEDStatus(0); } void blinkLEDStatusLoop(unsigned int duration) { blinkLEDStatusSingle(duration); delay(duration); } void setLEDActivity(bool state) { #if HW_GROUP == 1 digitalWrite(PIN_STATUS, state); #else digitalWrite(PIN_ACTIVITY, state); #endif } void blinkLEDActivitySingle(unsigned int duration) { setLEDActivity(1); delay(duration); setLEDActivity(0); } void blinkLEDActivityLoop(unsigned int duration) { blinkLEDActivitySingle(duration); delay(duration); } void handleConfigButton() { // Read the config button state to determine if it has been pressed or released btnState = !digitalRead(PIN_CONFIG); // Calculate the last press duration if (btnState) { btnTimer = millis(); btnDur = 0; } else { btnDur = millis() - btnTimer; btnTimer = 0; // Discard presses <= 50ms if (btnDur > 50) { btnPressed = 1; } else { btnDur = 0; } } } /* WEB SERVER */ void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n"; } server.send(404, "text/plain", message); } String formatPageBaseWithExtraHead(String content, String extraHead) { String page; page += ""; page += ""; page += ""; page += ""; page += ""; page += ""; page += "WiFi Module"; page += extraHead; page += ""; page += ""; page += ""; page += content; page += ""; page += ""; return page; } String formatPageBase(String content) { return formatPageBaseWithExtraHead(content, ""); } void handleRoot() { String c; c += "

WiFi Module

"; c += "
Current SSID: "; if (AP_ACTIVE) { c += AP_SSID; } else if (STA_SETUP) { c += STA_SSID; } else { c += "None"; } c += "
"; c += "
"; c += ""; c += ""; c += ""; c += ""; c += "
"; c += "
"; c += "Check for firmware update"; server.send(200, "text/html", formatPageBase(c)); } void handle_wifi_setup() { STA_SSID = server.arg("ssid"); STA_PASS = server.arg("password"); STA_SETUP = true; saveConfig(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/", true); server.send(303, "text/plain", ""); ESP.restart(); } void handle_check_update() { String c; UpdateStatus fwStatusSecure = checkForUpdateSecure(false); UpdateStatus spStatusSecure = checkForUpdateSecure(true); UpdateStatus fwStatusInsecure = checkForUpdateInsecure(false); UpdateStatus spStatusInsecure = checkForUpdateInsecure(true); c += "

Update Status

"; c += ""; c += ""; /*if (fwStatusSecure == US_AVAILABLE) { c += ""; c += ""; } else if (fwStatusSecure == US_FAILED) { c += ""; } else if (fwStatusSecure == US_NO_UPDATE) { c += ""; }*/ if (fwStatusInsecure == US_AVAILABLE) { c += ""; c += ""; } else if (fwStatusInsecure == US_FAILED) { c += ""; } else if (fwStatusInsecure == US_NO_UPDATE) { c += ""; } c += ""; c += ""; c += ""; /*if (spStatusSecure == US_AVAILABLE) { c += ""; c += ""; } else if (spStatusSecure == US_FAILED) { c += ""; } else if (spStatusSecure == US_NO_UPDATE) { c += ""; }*/ if (spStatusInsecure == US_AVAILABLE) { c += ""; c += ""; } else if (spStatusInsecure == US_FAILED) { c += ""; } else if (spStatusInsecure == US_NO_UPDATE) { c += ""; } c += "
Firmware version:"; c += "WS-"; c += HW_GROUP; c += "-"; c += FW_VERSION; c += "Update available (HTTPS)
Update check failed (HTTPS)No update available (HTTPS)Update available (HTTP)
Update check failed (HTTP)No update available (HTTP)
Filesystem version:"; c += "WSF-"; c += HW_GROUP; c += "-"; c += SP_VERSION; c += "Update available (HTTPS)
Update check failed (HTTPS)No update available (HTTPS)Update available (HTTP)
Update check failed (HTTP)No update available (HTTP)
"; server.send(200, "text/html", formatPageBase(c)); } void handle_update_fw_https() { updateFWSecure_flag = true; updateFlagSetTimestamp = millis(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/update-running", true); server.send(303, "text/plain", ""); } void handle_update_sp_https() { updateSPSecure_flag = true; updateFlagSetTimestamp = millis(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/update-running", true); server.send(303, "text/plain", ""); } void handle_update_fw_http() { updateFWInsecure_flag = true; updateFlagSetTimestamp = millis(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/update-running", true); server.send(303, "text/plain", ""); } void handle_update_sp_http() { updateSPInsecure_flag = true; updateFlagSetTimestamp = millis(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/update-running", true); server.send(303, "text/plain", ""); } void handle_update_running() { String c; c += "

Update in progress...

"; c += "

Please wait while the update is being downloaded and installed.

"; server.send(200, "text/html", formatPageBaseWithExtraHead(c, "")); } /* INTERRUPT ROUTINES */ void ISR_config() { handleConfigButton(); } /* PROGRAM ROUTINES */ void doWiFiConfigViaWPS() { WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.beginWPSConfig(); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { blinkLEDStatusLoop(250); } STA_SSID = WiFi.SSID(); STA_PASS = WiFi.psk(); STA_SETUP = true; saveConfig(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { blinkLEDStatusLoop(125); } } void doWiFiConfigViaAP() { WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAP(AP_SSID.c_str(), AP_PASS.c_str()); AP_ACTIVE = true; setLEDStatus(1); } void printIPAddress() { // TODO: Stops working after the first time IPAddress addr = WiFi.localIP(); String addrStr; addrStr += String(addr[0]); addrStr += "."; addrStr += String(addr[1]); addrStr += "."; addrStr += String(addr[2]); addrStr += "."; addrStr += String(addr[3]); IBIS_DS009(addrStr); IBIS_DS003c(addrStr); IBIS_GSP(1, "WLAN-Modul", addrStr); } void resetWiFiCredentials() { STA_SSID = ""; STA_PASS = ""; STA_SETUP = false; saveConfig(); ESP.restart(); } /* FIRMWARE & SPIFFS UPDATE */ UpdateStatus checkForUpdateSecure(bool spiffs) { String url = UPDATE_PATH_BASE_HTTPS + HW_GROUP; if (spiffs) { url += "/spiffs.version"; } else { url += "/firmware.version"; } WiFiClientSecure httpsClient; if (!httpsClient.connect(UPDATE_HOST, UPDATE_PORT_HTTPS)) return US_FAILED; httpsClient.println("GET " + url + " HTTP/1.0"); httpsClient.print("Host: "); httpsClient.println(UPDATE_HOST); httpsClient.println("Connection: close"); httpsClient.println(); while (httpsClient.connected()) { String line = httpsClient.readStringUntil('\n'); if (line == "\r") { // Headers received break; } } String newVersionStr = httpsClient.readStringUntil('\n'); unsigned long newVersion = newVersionStr.toInt(); if (spiffs) { if (newVersion > SP_VERSION ) { return US_AVAILABLE; } } else { if (newVersion > FW_VERSION ) { return US_AVAILABLE; } } return US_NO_UPDATE; } UpdateStatus checkForUpdateInsecure(bool spiffs) { String url = UPDATE_URL_BASE_HTTP + HW_GROUP; if (spiffs) { url += "/spiffs.version"; } else { url += "/firmware.version"; } HTTPClient httpClient; httpClient.begin(url); int httpCode = httpClient.GET(); if (httpCode == 200) { String newVersionStr = httpClient.getString(); unsigned long newVersion = newVersionStr.toInt(); if (spiffs) { if (newVersion > SP_VERSION ) { return US_AVAILABLE; } } else { if (newVersion > FW_VERSION ) { return US_AVAILABLE; } } } else { return US_FAILED; } return US_NO_UPDATE; } UpdateStatus checkForUpdate(bool spiffs) { // First check securely, fallback to insecure UpdateStatus statusSecure = US_FAILED;//checkForUpdateSecure(spiffs); if (statusSecure == US_FAILED) { return checkForUpdateInsecure(spiffs); } else { return statusSecure; } } UpdateStatus checkForFWUpdate() { return checkForUpdate(false); } UpdateStatus checkForSPUpdate() { return checkForUpdate(true); } t_httpUpdate_return doUpdateSecure(bool spiffs) { // Set both LEDs on during update setLEDStatus(1); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(2, LOW); t_httpUpdate_return ret; String url = UPDATE_URL_BASE_HTTPS + HW_GROUP; if (spiffs) { url += "/spiffs.bin"; ret = ESPhttpUpdate.updateSpiffs(url, "", UPDATE_FINGERPRINT_HTTPS); } else { url += "/firmware.bin"; ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update(url, "", UPDATE_FINGERPRINT_HTTPS); } if (ret == HTTP_UPDATE_OK) { ESP.restart(); } return ret; } t_httpUpdate_return doUpdateInsecure(bool spiffs) { // Set both LEDs on during update setLEDStatus(1); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(2, LOW); t_httpUpdate_return ret; String url = UPDATE_URL_BASE_HTTP + HW_GROUP; if (spiffs) { url += "/spiffs.bin"; ret = ESPhttpUpdate.updateSpiffs(url, ""); } else { url += "/firmware.bin"; ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update(url, ""); } if (ret == HTTP_UPDATE_OK) { ESP.restart(); } return ret; } void doUpdate(bool spiffs) { // Set both LEDs on during update setLEDStatus(1); setLEDActivity(1); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(2, LOW); t_httpUpdate_return ret; // Try secure update first ret = HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED;//doUpdateSecure(spiffs); if (ret == HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED) { // Failover to insecure update ret = doUpdateInsecure(spiffs); if (ret == HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED) { setLEDStatus(0); digitalWrite(2, LOW); pinMode(2, INPUT); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { blinkLEDStatusLoop(750); } } } } void doFWUpdate() { doUpdate(false); } void doSPUpdate() { doUpdate(true); } /* MAIN PROGRAM */ void setup() { WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); pinMode(PIN_STATUS, OUTPUT); #if HW_GROUP != 1 pinMode(PIN_ACTIVITY, OUTPUT); #endif pinMode(PIN_CONFIG, INPUT_PULLUP); //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_CONFIG), ISR_config, CHANGE); #ifdef ARDUINO_OTA_ENABLED ArduinoOTA.setHostname("WiFi-Shield"); ArduinoOTA.begin(); #endif EEPROM.begin(96); // 96 bytes - 32 for SSID, 64 for PSK #ifdef INIT_EEPROM reset_EEPROM(); #endif SPIFFS.begin(); loadConfig(); if (STA_SETUP) { // WiFi connection has been set up WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(STA_SSID.c_str(), STA_PASS.c_str()); wifiTimer = millis(); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { if ((millis() - wifiTimer) > WIFI_TIMEOUT) { wifiTimedOut = true; break; } blinkLEDStatusLoop(250); } if (wifiTimedOut) { // Connection timed out, fall back to AP mode doWiFiConfigViaAP(); } } else { // No WiFi connection has yet been set up, enter AP mode doWiFiConfigViaAP(); } // Set up time configTime(1 * 3600, 0, "pool.ntp.org"); IBISServer.begin(); server.onNotFound(handleNotFound); server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/wifi-setup", handle_wifi_setup); server.on("/check-update", handle_check_update); server.on("/update-fw-https", handle_update_fw_https); server.on("/update-sp-https", handle_update_sp_https); server.on("/update-fw-http", handle_update_fw_http); server.on("/update-sp-http", handle_update_sp_http); server.on("/update-running", handle_update_running); server.serveStatic("/main.css", SPIFFS, "/main.css"); server.serveStatic("/favicon.ico", SPIFFS, "/favicon.ico"); server.serveStatic("/xatlabs_logo.png", SPIFFS, "/xatlabs_logo.png"); server.begin(); #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setDebugOutput(1); #else IBIS_init(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { blinkLEDStatusLoop(60); blinkLEDActivityLoop(60); } if (AP_ACTIVE) { setLEDStatus(1); } else { if (checkForFWUpdate() == US_AVAILABLE) { doFWUpdate(); } if (checkForSPUpdate() == US_AVAILABLE) { doSPUpdate(); } } } void loop() { #ifdef ARDUINO_OTA_ENABLED ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif server.handleClient(); btnState = !digitalRead(PIN_CONFIG); if (btnState != oldBtnState) { oldBtnState = btnState; handleConfigButton(); } WiFiClient newClient = IBISServer.available(); if (newClient) client = newClient; if (client) { while (client.available()) { setLEDActivity(1); Serial.write(client.read()); setLEDActivity(0); } while (Serial.available()) { setLEDActivity(1); client.write(Serial.read()); setLEDActivity(0); } } // Handle LED blinking while button is being pressed (visual timing help) if (btnState) { unsigned long dur = (millis() - btnTimer) % 1000; setLEDStatus(dur > 500); } // Update a certain time after flag is set // (to give the web server time to send the redirect after initiating the update) if (updateFWSecure_flag) { if (millis() - updateFlagSetTimestamp >= UPDATE_START_DELAY) { updateFWSecure_flag = false; updateFlagSetTimestamp = 0; if (checkForUpdateSecure(false) == US_AVAILABLE) { doUpdateSecure(false); } } } if (updateSPSecure_flag) { if (millis() - updateFlagSetTimestamp >= UPDATE_START_DELAY) { updateSPSecure_flag = false; updateFlagSetTimestamp = 0; if (checkForUpdateSecure(true) == US_AVAILABLE) { doUpdateSecure(true); } } } if (updateFWInsecure_flag) { if (millis() - updateFlagSetTimestamp >= UPDATE_START_DELAY) { updateFWInsecure_flag = false; updateFlagSetTimestamp = 0; if (checkForUpdateInsecure(false) == US_AVAILABLE) { doUpdateInsecure(false); } } } if (updateSPInsecure_flag) { if (millis() - updateFlagSetTimestamp >= UPDATE_START_DELAY) { updateSPInsecure_flag = false; updateFlagSetTimestamp = 0; if (checkForUpdateInsecure(true) == US_AVAILABLE) { doUpdateInsecure(true); } } } // Check if the button has been pressed and for how long if (btnPressed) { btnPressed = 0; setLEDStatus(0); int selectedOption = btnDur / 1000; switch (selectedOption) { case 0: { // Short press break; } case 1: { // WPS mode doWiFiConfigViaWPS(); break; } case 2: { // AP mode doWiFiConfigViaAP(); break; } case 3: { // AP mode printIPAddress(); break; } case 10: { // Reset WiFi Credentials resetWiFiCredentials(); break; } default: { break; } } } }